A few true stories of mine
Published on July 28, 2005 By Arabella III In Religion
These are just a few stories of mine which are all true. Do you believe in ghosts? Have any scary stories to tell about you're encounter?

In our old house I used to hear football games coming from outside my bedroom. I would get out of bed and look in the living room and no one would be there. The lights were off and no tv was on.

Also, after we moved, I remember waking up to hear lightning crash near my window so hard it shook the whole house. I got out of bed to go lye in the living room and I was holding the dog. There's a basket for magazines by my parent's bedroom and it started to hit the wall REALLY hard. But no one was there to rock it. I wanted to scream or get up and see what was going on but I was too scared. It stopped when my dad opened the door to enter the lving room. It was so eery.

Another time, while I was trying to sleep I heard someone who sounded very much like my brother say "[my name]" from under my bed. I told the voice to quit it. I went to my brother's door and told him to shutup and stop trying to scare me. He was in his room with the door locked.

I thought our house couldn't be haunted since it was BRAND NEW and all but I guess anything's possible.

on Jul 28, 2005
I'm agnostic about Ghosts.

I've never encountered anything ghostlike, myself.

There's a Toys 'R' Us in my hometown that is haunted, according to local legend. I never really beleived the legend, but I once had a roommate who worked there. Now, this guy was a sensible, hardheaded, and almost uptight in his respect for honesty and opennes in all things. He insisted that he'd seen evidence of the ghost--things floating off of shelves, shadowy apparitions, etc. If it were anything besides a ghost story, I'd believe him just based on what I know of his good character.

On the other hand, I still stick to my policy of agnosticism about any supernatural event I haven't witnessed for myself.
on Jul 28, 2005
Arabella III, hi. Do you have any bibles in your house?
on Jul 28, 2005
I've encounterd "ghost" like things, such as objects flying off of shelves and hitting me, (no wasn't having a fight with Jasmine..) , doors opening and closing when i am by my self, tv's turning on and i am in the other room...also, have actually seen 'something' in the kitchen, was a girl, about 4'5", hair in a bun, wearing a cotton dress...she just looked at me, it scared me to death...(1st time), i have had 'things' ("ghosts") fly at me but only to disappear or something...believe me, there is deffinantly something out there...whether be it actual dictionary defined ghosts, or something else....not sure exactly....
on Jul 28, 2005
What is there to believe in? Ghosts are only humans like you and me.. that have died and not moved on.. or their memories.. still stuck in this dimension.. Sure I have seen and see everyday.. To me it is normal and part of life.
on Jul 28, 2005

I am a passive believer

I lived down in Tampa with a girlfiend inthe 90's in an old slave quarters house converted to an apartment.
Very stange stuff went on like Fans turning on off, going at crazy speeds, water turning on, off. ect...

The worst was this night:
My girlfriend slaps my hand as we are sleeping....again she slaps my hand....she nudges me with her elbow "knock it off"... I wake up sleepy eyed and say "Wuh" She says angrily "Stop running your fingers up and down my back they are ICE COLD!"

When she saw my hands were down by my legs we both were like "ahhh"!
on Aug 02, 2005
Do you have any bibles in your house?

Um... why?
on Aug 02, 2005
The worst was this night:My girlfriend slaps my hand as we are sleeping....again she slaps my hand....she nudges me with her elbow "knock it off"... I wake up sleepy eyed and say "Wuh" She says angrily "Stop running your fingers up and down my back they are ICE COLD!"When she saw my hands were down by my legs we both were like "ahhh"!

AHH! That's scary to think about.

on Aug 09, 2005
Don't mean to be rude but BUMP! goes the weasel.
on Mar 26, 2006
I thought our house couldn't be haunted since it was BRAND NEW and all but I guess anything's possible. Yes, like the movie a good while back about a brand new community built over an old cemetery.