My thought on this senseless attack.
It almost brings me to tears. It really does that thirty something people were killed and 700 hundred others were injured in one instant. It is revolting even to think about that someone would do this - again.
Hey 9/11 wasn't enough, let's bomb somewhere else because not enough people died and not enough families were torn apart.
There are some things I guess I'll never understand. This being one of them.
I don't have a lot to say. I am just really mad and at a loss of words.
How cold hearted do you have to be to do something like this? I don't understand the concept of killing someone. How could you kill someone?
Is this why we're at war? I guess I finally get it. It's not because we're out to get revenge (well, we are, but that's not all). It's because these people - extremist - had it coming.
London, however, unsuspecting, do not deserve this loss. They do not deserve to suffer. Were they even part of the war? Were these extremists that desperate to pull them into our battle? Why?
Someone please make me understand.