My thought on this senseless attack.
Published on July 7, 2005 By Arabella III In Current Events
It almost brings me to tears. It really does that thirty something people were killed and 700 hundred others were injured in one instant. It is revolting even to think about that someone would do this - again.

Hey 9/11 wasn't enough, let's bomb somewhere else because not enough people died and not enough families were torn apart.


There are some things I guess I'll never understand. This being one of them.

I don't have a lot to say. I am just really mad and at a loss of words.

How cold hearted do you have to be to do something like this? I don't understand the concept of killing someone. How could you kill someone?

Is this why we're at war? I guess I finally get it. It's not because we're out to get revenge (well, we are, but that's not all). It's because these people - extremist - had it coming.

London, however, unsuspecting, do not deserve this loss. They do not deserve to suffer. Were they even part of the war? Were these extremists that desperate to pull them into our battle? Why?

Someone please make me understand.

on Jul 07, 2005
You can't make sense of things that defy logic. These people know only one thing; hatred. They have no respect for human life.
Nobody deserves to be attacked in such a cowardly and heinous manner. This is the reason we are at war with terrorists and those who aid them. Anyone who supports and aids these monsters should be eliminated. Only then will this kind of senseless murder of innocent people be stopped.
on Jul 07, 2005

We're living in a shit hole, to be sure
on Jul 07, 2005
I don't think the terrorists bombed london to pull it into war, they bombed london because the U.K stood up to them. To them we're all the enemy, wether soldiers or civilians. The most disgusting part of it all is that they would rather attack innocent people than to have to stand up to armed soldiers for their beliefs.
on Jul 07, 2005
I don't think the terrorists bombed london to pull it into war, they bombed london because the U.K stood up to them. To them we're all the enemy, wether soldiers or civilians. The most disgusting part of it all is that they would rather attack innocent people than to have to stand up to armed soldiers for their beliefs.

That's because they are a BIG bunch of COWARDS!
on Jul 07, 2005
"That's because they are a BIG bunch of COWARDS!"

I think that this is how we've defined war for them. If you went golfing with Tiger Woods, you wouldn't mind if he gave you a, oh, 30 stroke handicap. Well, through stupidity that is what we are doing to them. They think this is war. They fight us this way, and we fight them in our current, piddly fashion.

Time for that to stop.
on Jul 08, 2005
"That's because they are a BIG bunch of COWARDS!"

I think that this is how we've defined war for them. If you went golfing with Tiger Woods, you wouldn't mind if he gave you a, oh, 30 stroke handicap. Well, through stupidity that is what we are doing to them. They think this is war. They fight us this way, and we fight them in our current, piddly fashion.

Time for that to stop.

You got that just EXACTLY right! Time to step up, kick butts and take names! Geez I wish they didn't have women and children there. If they weren't there I'd say turn it into a glass parking lot. I'm tired of fudging with these cowardly IDIOTS!
on Jul 08, 2005
Time to step up, kick butts and take names

--Like the American Patriot Party Cartoon logo slogan "Kickin buts and taken initials"
on Jul 08, 2005

Hate blinds one to all rational thought and logic.  Those who hate can justify anything.

It is a lesson to be lived and learned.

on Jul 08, 2005
Hate blinds one to all rational thought and logic. Those who hate can justify anything

I don't think that they were/are blind to logic and rationale. I think that they knew exactly what they were doing when they placed those devices on the tubes. They wanted to cause maximum damage, so they went for rush hour when they knew it would be crowded (rush hour on the tube is shoulder to shoulder - which, incidentally, probably saved a lot of people because they were literally packed so tight that no-one could fall). Thye have logic, they have reason, they just use it for a different means.
on Jul 09, 2005
Thye have logic, they have reason, they just use it for a different means.

That's so true. Terrorism is their way of exercising power. The London attacks would have surely given the terrorists a feeling of power and satisfaction - even a warm feeling inside. They have a warped model of the world, rooted in the lower doldrums of consciousness. They know nothing of the Light, and they are sad, misguided souls.

Any form of attack is really a call for help, deep down, whether they're aware of it or not.
on Jul 09, 2005
They have a warped model of the world, rooted in the lower doldrums of consciousness. They know nothing of the Light, and they are sad, misguided souls.

Any form of attack is really a call for help, deep down, whether they're aware of it or not.

It still doesn't give them a right to do what they did though. Nothing excuses that behavior. Indeed they are sad, misguided people but souls they do not have.

on Jul 10, 2005
It still doesn't give them a right to do what they did though

It does according to their model of the world. In the eyes of the terrorists, what they did was "right". It gave them power and possibly revenge. Whether their actions are right or wrong depends on our point of view. Obviously, one could argue that from an enlightened point of view, their actions were "wrong". But from their point of view, (which must in contrast be unenlightened), they would simply disagree, claiming that their actions were right. So who is to say how enlightened we are? The final say must be left to God.

Any form of attack is really a call for help, deep down, whether they're aware of it or not.

In my opinion, love is the answer. But if we are to love the terrorists unconditionally (which includes forgiving them), then we would surely need to possess the same amount of spiritual wealth as God. Clearly, humanity isn’t grown enough for this. Asking us to love and forgive our terrorists would be like giving a set of car keys to a 7 year-old, and asking the child to learn to drive properly on the roads. We’re simply not ready, and we don’t possess enough spiritual wealth. Somewhere further down the evolutionary line, I'm sure our global-consciousness will be in a different place, and we'd find it in our hearts to exercise unconditional love. (In such a world, they'd be less terrorism anyway.)

So what kind of paradigm can enable humanity to learn to love unconditionally? In my view, the following message can:

“Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Life is eternal.
Herein lies the peace of God.”
- A Course in Miracles

When we learn that the terrorists' actions - or anyone else's, for that matter - can't affect our peace of mind, then we can begin to learn about unconditional love. We can begin to live in a safer, happier world, "on earth as it is in Heaven.", as JC said.
on Jul 10, 2005
humanity isn’t grown enough

We can get a rough gauge of humanity's age by looking at the size of Bush's toys, and by observing the playground antics of the terrorists.

To overcome terrorism, are we to hit other people on the head with a big mallet, as we did in Iraq? Or is there a more mature, effective method?

Apologies if this stuff sounds a bit like preaching. I think it belongs in the religious thread. Sorry to get out of line in here!
on Jul 10, 2005
Y'know, it was a terrible, terrible act, one that has saddened me greatly.

However, I was back on the tube on Friday, back on the buses yesterday and so were pretty much everyone else. Oxford St was packed, Trafalgar Square was populated with the same number of people as normal and everyone seems to have taken it in their strides and are getting on with things.

The worst thing about terrorism isn't the death toll, it's the fear that's embedded in people's minds. If we have to change our lives because of someone's acts then they've won. We've shown them we won't be so easily bullied and I'm really proud of that.

My heart goes out to all the people who have lost friends and family in the blasts and to all those that were injured - both physically and mentally. As a sign of respect to the dead we're not going to let these people win. We're going to keep the London that these unfortunate innocent people lived in and loved moving onwards and upwards.

They've got bombs, but we've got spirit.
on Jul 10, 2005
They've got bombs, but we've got spirit.

Well said floozie. That's what it's all about